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“The knower of the mystery of sound knows the mystery of the whole universe.” 
– Hazrat Inayat Khan.

What is Holistic Therapy?

Info: Tuning Fork Therapy
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What Are the Benefits of Tuning Fork Therapy?

How Does Tuning Fork Therapy Work?

So, what are the benefits of sound therapy? Well, as sound therapy re-aligns one with their inner sound, thus bringing harmony to their body and being, this allows for the clearing of blockages in one’s auric field. In a practical sense, this entails the cathartic release of negative emotions and old patterns, allowing one’s body to return to perfect resonance. This is a simultaneously relaxing and energising experience for both client and practitioner. This is a form of self-healing.

Tuning fork therapy is the application of sound therapy through the instruments of tuning forks. Sound therapy is a type of holistic therapy, so, to understand the function of tuning fork therapy one must understand the purpose and nature of holistic therapy. It sounds complicated, but really it’s quite simple. When one is in pain and in need of treatment, there are two approaches that can be taken which complement each other; the physical approach and the holistic approach. The physical approach is the realm of the mainstream medical field, as it aims to treat physical problems using tried and true methods, for instance, being prescribed medication for a migraine or back pain. The holistic approach, on the other hand, aims to treat the origins of one’s disharmony, thus addressing an individual’s spiritual, emotional, and mental life. So, holistic therapy aims to address one’s emotions, attitudes, and lifestyle, which are considered to be contributing factors to one’s health. Therefore, treating the whole being and not just the symptom.

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The basis for sound therapy is an ontological one. Ontology simply refers to the study of being, it asks the fundamental question; “what makes up all of being? What is existence made of!?”. Sound therapy is based on the theory that all being, and therefore all of us, you and I, are made up of sound. The ontological claim made is that all beings possess a molecular structure that is vibrating, and as such, all people resonate in their own way. As each vibration has a frequency, all beings are essentially made up of sound, even if these minute sounds are out of one’s hearing range. 


That’s all very interesting and all, but what does this have to do with me? How can the therapeutic use of sound help me?


Well, our bodies are energy systems with energy centres named Chakras. Chakras also vibrate, as each Chakra is imbued with its own resonant frequency, its own tone and note. When one’s Chakras are blocked, however, one’s energy system may itself become blocked and dysfunctional. This manifests itself in daily life as pent-up negative emotions and damaging patterns which bring discomfort and unease.


This is where sound therapy comes in! Sound therapy helps people feel more at ease, more harmonious, and resonate in a way which is more finely tuned. Think of it this way: through sound, a person can be tuned like an instrument. An untuned instrument is painful and grating on the ears, but a finely tuned instrument is sublime and bliss to the ears. The body is much the same. So, the aim is to bring harmony back to dysfunctional areas.


Sounds resonating at perfect tones are passed through the, ears, energy centres (chakras), and auric field of the person receiving sound therapy, and this allows for one’s body to resonate with the sound it is receiving, and thus becoming aligned with this sound. This has the effect of re-aligning one’s sonic being, bringing them back into harmony with their own inner sound.  

Some History Facts!

  • Most creation myths in popular religions cohere to the notion that sound, or ‘the word,’ created the universe.


  • Historical civilisations dating back thousands of years, such as Native American Shamans, Buddhist Monks, and Australian Aborigines, have turned to sound as a sacred, healing, and transformational tool.


  • Historically, sound therapy has been practiced using tools such as musical instruments, drums, harps, gongs, crystal bowls, and percussion, to name but a few.​

For More Information...

Book: John Beaulieu's Human Tuning: Sound Healing with Tuning Forks

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