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What is Holistic Therapy?

Reiki is a type of holistic therapy, so, to understand the function of Reiki, one must understand the purpose and nature of holistic therapy. When one is in pain and in need of treatment, there are two approaches that can be taken which complement each other; the physical approach and the holistic approach. The physical approach is the realm of the mainstream medical field, as it aims to treat physical problems using tried and true methods, for instance, being prescribed medication for a migraine or back pain. The holistic approach, on the other hand, aims to treat the origins of one’s disharmony, thus addressing an individual’s spiritual, emotional, and mental life. So, holistic therapy aims to address one’s emotions, attitudes, and lifestyle, which are considered to be contributing factors to one’s health. Therefore, treating the whole being and not just the symptom.

What is Reiki?

Reiki (pronounced “ray-key”), which is Japanese for 'universal life force energy,'  is a complementary therapy that promotes deep relaxation and natural healing. It works by using energy (also known as chi/ki or prana) to heal you on many levels, physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. It is the same energy that is worked with in Acupuncture, Shiatsu, Tai Chi and Yoga.

It originated in Japan early in the 1900’s and was developed by Mikao Usui. The original system was used mainly for self-healing and spiritual development. It was only later when it came to the Western world that it became a system to treat others.

Reiki is a holistic therapy that treats the cause of the problem and not just the presenting condition. This means that it can help with a wide range of conditions including stress, anxiety and sleep problems, to name but a few.

What are the benefits of Reiki?

So, what are the actual benefits of Reiki? What are its effects, and how will it make me feel? Well, the emotions one will experience upon having a session will vary from person to person, so it’s impossible to predict exactly how it’ll make someone feel, but I can give you a general idea. In terms of the physical, Reiki may provide alleviation from conditions such as headaches. In terms of the emotional, Reiki is able to soothe negative emotions, such as fear, anxiety, anger, stress, and so on. It is commonly recognised that the immediate effect of Reiki tends to be the release of stress and tension, which is experienced as a calming sensation. Reiki can’t be directed, Reiki energy will go where it needs to go, as such, Reiki practitioners aren’t directly making the Reiki heal specific parts of the body, rather, they are allowing the Reiki flow through them, to you, healing what it needs to heal.  

Reiki can bring many benefits and the main ones are listed below;

  • Deep relaxation

  • Reduced stress and anxiety

  • Increased energy levels

  • A feeling of inner calm and contentment

A speeding up of the body’s own healing system

Reiki Aftercare

Reiki may range from being relaxing to being energising. Relaxing in the sense that it may bring a stillness to your mind which is able to alleviate worries and physical ailments, and energising in the sense that this respite from these negative feelings galvanises you to go back out and live your life fully. The takeaway here is that Reiki continues to work on your body and your mind even after your session ends. When one internalises that this is a lifestyle, a state of mind, then one is able to experience the fullest benefits of Reiki. For instance, one can take on personal mantras and Reiki principles to centre themselves and rebalance their moods when they find themselves returning to the usual stresses and strains of everyday life.


Reiki Principles


Just for today: 1. Do not anger. 2. Do not worry. 3. Have gratitude. 4. Live and work honestly. 5. Be kind to others, and all living creatures, and be kind to yourself.

For More Information...

Book: Amy Z. Rowland's Reiki For the Heart and Soul: The Reiki Principles as Spiritual Patchwork

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Info Reiki
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