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Hi there! So you're interested in getting a massage, but the question is, which massage? There's so many of them out there! This section will walk you through the different types of massages I offer, as well as a brief explanation of what to expect and how the massage will assist your needs. The massages I am primarily providing are Ayurvedic based. As to encourage healing, I focus on the bodies' pressure points and energy lines. In China, these energy lines are known as the meridian system, through which the life energy, known as 'qi,' flows. In india, they're known as chakras, which means 'wheel,' referring to energy points in one's body. In the western world, these chakras are referred to as 'energy centers.' 

Info: Massage Therapy

Deep Tissue Massage

Deep/Medium Tissue Oil Based Massage

My most in demand massage is the deep/medium tissue massage, oil based. Don't be deceived by the name 'deep,' though, this can be modified to 'medium' or 'light.' It allows you to slip into a meditative, relaxed state, through the use of knuckles, fists, forearms, and elbows. The clear benefits of this massage are the alleviation of those tired aching muscles, and relieving tense knots accumulated through stress and compromised posture. 



60 Mins - £60 

90 Mins - £75

120 Mins - £85

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Swedish Massage

Swedish massage is known as a lymphatic drainage holistic massage.


Massage is an ancient healing art, this technique developed in the eighteenth and nineteenth century by Swedish physiologist Per Henrik Ling, and is still referred to as Swedish massage today due to his influence.


Swedish massage uses a combination of movements to manipulate the soft tissues of the body, particularly muscles. It can be used for relaxation, stimulation or rehabilitation of the whole body or parts of it. It promotes suppleness of the muscles, improves circulation and reduces stress and is a natural and effective way to treat physical and psychological conditions. If you just fancy a relaxing massage to rub away the stresses of life this massage is for you.

60 Mins - £60 

90 Mins - £75

120 Mins - £85

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Indian Head Massage

Indian Head Massage originates from the traditional Indian system of medicine, known as Ayurveda and is also known as ‘Champissage’, from ‘Champi’, the Hindu word for head massage.


The aim of Indian Head Massage is to help balance both the mind and body through relaxation and rejuvenation, increasing your energy levels. Indian head massage relaxes the upper body, the area most vulnerable to stress and tension. A gentle massage to the upper back, shoulders, arms, neck, scalp and face, helps to dispel stress, relieve tension and promote healthy hair and scalp.


Using shiatsu and acupressure techniques, it stimulates vital energy centers, also known as your chakras, promoting a sense of well-being and positive energy. Clearing the mind, improving alertness, concentration, and balance within, you will feel a sense of calmness and peace, good for those who suffer with headaches. The treatment is performed while you are seated. The massage is very versatile in that it can be done directly onto the skin or through the clothes, with or without oils. 

30 mins - £35

60 mins - £60



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Traditional Thai Massage

Thai massage, also known as Thai yoga massage, is based on energy lines, paths, channels, and doorways where the energy flows from the toes to our head. Our flow of energy can become sluggish or blocked, hence not allowing the energy to move through the chakra energy centers to bring that feeling of balance and a sense of well-being.


Thai massage uses gentle pressure and stretching techniques to relax the whole body.
It's carried out using rhythmic rocking, palming and thumbing along energy lines, by applying compression techniques and mild to medium stretching. Guided breath work, creating a slow flowing ‘dance’ around, and with, the receiver’s body. The therapist uses their hands, feet, arms and legs to gently guide the recipient into numerous yoga postures.


I perform this massage on a traditional Thai mat, similar to a futon, on the floor. During this massage, it is required that you wear comfortable, preferably loose, clothing. This massage does not require oil, however oil may be used in some portions of the massage.


Thai Massage has been compared to doing a yoga class without the actual effort, hence the nick name yoga for lazy people!

60 Mins - £60 

90 Mins - £75

120 Mins - £85

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Hot Stone Massage

This is a general massage technique which utilises smooth, black, pre-heated volcanic stones to massage the whole body. The stones are kept at a safe temperature, and applied using a towel, ensuring the client experiences absolute comfort.


The massage incorporates traditional massage techniques, such as pressure applied to various parts of the body using the therapist's hands, as the stones are placed at specific points on the body. This allows for the facilitation of deep heat, which relaxes the muscles and reduces tightness in targeted areas. 

60 Mins - £65 

90 Mins - £75 

120 Mins - £85


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Oncology Massage

As the oncology massage is something I have a personal vested interest in, having gone through cancer therapy myself, I have gone to the lengths to carry out my own research as to ensure my clients receive the best oncology treatment possible. 


A massage is not a suitable substitute for medicinal treatments of cancer, however, it has been found to make those going through treatment feel significantly better due the stress relief benefits of massages.

In a 2011 UK review observing the link between massage therapy and women with breast cancer, 6 trials were run, and it was found that the massage seemed to aid an alleviation of the symptoms of depression, pain, and tiredness.

In 2009, a German study showed that 1 in every 2 women found that the oncology massage resulted in reduced pain, tiredness, and physical discomfort.

A 2011 Italian study, this one considering those with advanced cancer, found that, upon consulting 20 trials, massage therapy was a cost effective way in which people undergoing cancer treatment may reduce pain, anxiety, and depression.


I myself was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer. During the treatment process, I had a Mastectomy, with a D-flap, then 6 months of FEC-T chemotherapy, then 3 weeks of radiotherapy. This was followed by 2 more operations, the last of which was another flap located on my upper left back. The picture to the right was taken in 2018. During this ordeal, I went for massages practiced by a qualified oncology massage therapist. This was life changing for me during my cancer treatment, as I found, due to the stress and the tension, as well as having lymph-nodes removed, that I was holding a lot of knots and tightness in and around my body, especially my upper back. The massage therapist was amazing; she put me at ease, and reassured me, and each time I left her practice I felt so much better. From then on, I vowed that I wanted to be able to offer this service to others, having had first hand experience of exactly how massage can help while going through treatment. 


30 Mins - £35

60 Mins - £55

90 Mins - £75

(25% of the proceeds go to charity)



(For more info, see: 

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Manual Lymph-Drainage Massage

Suitable for lymphedema sufferers. 

Thai Foot Massage

As the name would suggest, the Thai foot reflexology massage is a massage which primarily focuses on the pressure points of the client's feet and the sen lines, also known as energy lines, of the lower legs, up to the knees. These energy lines can become blocked, or grow sluggish, and as such it's vital that the qi energy is kept flowing to ensure one's vitality of life.


So, if you're somebody who loves to have their feet massaged, why not book in for a Thai foot massage! Check out the service page, I highly recommend a mix and match; i.e. a pedicure followed by a Thai foot massage.

(Solo Foot Massage) 30 Mins - £35 

(Solo Foot Massage) 60 Mins - £50


Example of Mix 'n' Match Deal - 30 min Pedicure + 30 min Thai Foot Massage, £55



Mix 'n' Match! 

Among our various deals, we also offer bespoke treatments tailored to your specific needs and preferences. These are called Mix 'n' Match packages! Here are some examples of Mix 'n' Match packages on offer. Please check out the Services page for more. 


30 min Indian Head Massage + 30 min Thai Foot Massage 


30 min Back, Neck, and Shoulder Massage + 30 min Thai Foot Massage


30 min Back, Neck, and Shoulder Massage + 30 min Basic Facial 


30 min Back, Neck, and Shoulder Massage + 1 Hour Reiki session 


1 hour Back, Neck, and Shoulder Massage + 30 min Tuning Fork Therapy


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Aftercare Advice

For best results following massage or reiki treatments, drink plenty of water this will aid in flushing unwanted toxins from the body. It is always best to avoid stimulants such as tea coffee and alcohol, although it may be tricky to pass a small glass of your favourite tipple. Avoid strenuous activities, relaxing activities are best embraced after treatments such as massage and reiki. If essential oils have been used during treatments, these too can be left on the skin to enhance the affects even further. 

Benefits of Massage


Complementary therapies are effective in reducing stress and inducing deep relaxation. They can be used to help manage, treat and alleviate many health conditions, such as muscular aches and pains, anxiety, depression, insomnia, eyestrain, headaches and migraines, arthritis, digestive problems and skin disorders. Also, it's important to know that, although massages can leave you feeling amazing, the healing effect of massages may bring out intense emotional releases, sometimes known as a healing crisis. These are nothing to worry about, it's just your body releasing repressed emotions. If this is the case for you, a course of massage treatments is highly recommended to clear out those blockages (see Services page for deals on courses). 


Massages are not intended to replace orthodox medicine but to work alongside it. Every body experiences stress of some kind, and if left to build up it can manifest as physical illness, disease or trauma. The body is our own personal feedback device and it will let us know loud and clear when it needs our attention. We can spend so much time thinking about others and their needs but what about your needs?



What To Expect?

So, what to expect? Well, firstly I work from home, so the atmosphere is a little more informal and inviting than going to a business premises. My spacious and specialised treatment room is solely used for treatments, such as massage, reiki, tuning fork therapy, crystal therapy, and beauty treatments.


Before each client, I prepare clean sheets and towels, also, hot towels are used during massage treatments. Treatments can be carried out with soothing music in the background, hence adding to the ambiance of the treatment. You may fancy something upbeat, or silence if you prefer. If you're coming in from the cold, not to worry, I have a heated blanket on the massage couch.  The aim is to leave you feeling totally relaxed, refreshed, and rejuvenated.  The room is a peaceful environment to unwind and forget about the world, even if its just for a few hours.

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