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Info Crystal Healing

What is Holistic Therapy?

Crystal healing is a type of holistic therapy, so, to understand the function of crystal healing, one must understand the purpose and nature of holistic therapy. When one is in pain and in need of treatment, there are two approaches that can be taken which complement each other; the physical approach and the holistic approach. The physical approach is the realm of the mainstream medical field, as it aims to treat physical problems using tried and true methods, for instance, being prescribed medication for a migraine or back pain. The holistic approach, on the other hand, aims to treat the origins of one’s disharmony, thus addressing an individual’s spiritual, emotional, and mental life. So, holistic therapy aims to address one’s emotions, attitudes, and lifestyle, which are considered to be contributing factors to one’s health. Therefore, treating the whole being and not just the symptom.

Image by Hasan Can Devsir

What Are Crystals?

Crystals, and by extension the whole mineral kingdom, be it rocks or stones or pebbles, are to be understood as living, growing, natural entities. Crystals are an orderly matter, meaning that while they are surrounded by, and formed by, the molecules of their chaotic environment and its elements, they form by layering these molecules into perfectly ordered patterns. This notion, of crystals as order formed from chaos, may be displayed in more scientific terms. For instance, a chaotic environment may consist of the superheated gases deep in the Earth’s crust, which rise and crack and fissure onto the Earth’s surface. Up until this point, the atoms such gases consisted of existed in a constant state of agitation, however as they cool on the surface, they begin to arrange themselves into stability. What follows is their forming into crystal lattices, which are three-dimensional repeated patterns of atoms, in which every atom is in an arrangement of perfect stability and balance. And so, order and balance rise out of chaos. The crystal is born.

The Benefits of Crystal Healing

What Are the Physical Benefits?

As crystal healing is a holistic treatment, it has both physical and mental benefits. So, what are the physical benefits? Well, crystal healing help open up the way to alleviate ailments such as aches and pains, digestive problems, a frozen shoulder, headaches, asthma, and other physical hindrances.

Interesting Facts

What Are the Mental Benefits?

And what are the mental benefits? Well, crystal healing may open one up to a sense of calmness, peace, and tranquillity, as well as alleviating stress and anxiety. It may also increase alertness and awareness, as well as mitigate feelings of despondency or emotional desperation. This all allows for a clearer sense of perspective and mental rejuvenation. There is also a spiritual component to the benefits of crystal healing, such as the release of stagnant energy and a greater sense of clarity and assuredness regarding one’s own sense of purpose.


Crystal Ball
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